Susquehanna Steam Electric Station

Allegheny has a long history of innovate approaches to providing rural electric cooperatives with safe, reliable and affordable electricity. Allegheny has achieved this by capitalizing on its strength as a dual organization, combining the power of its owned generation assets and innovative operational initiatives with strategic financial decisions and keen policy insight. Alongside its sister organization, the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association (PREA), Allegheny continues to tackle today’s changing energy environment.

With energy policy at the forefront of the industry’s ongoing challenges, Allegheny works in partnership with PREA in developing strategic approaches to power supply and energy policy issues. In 2023, the organizations established an Energy Transition Task Force to explore opportunities presented by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act. Through this task force, PREA/Allegheny proposed another innovative solution to today's energy challenge, securing funding provided by Empowering Rural America (New ERA).

With a grant from the New ERA program, Allegheny will secure carbon-free sources of energy for cooperative consumer-members on the open market, continuing its mission to provide energy at the lowest cost possible to its members while maintaining its commitment to clean energy.

Read our Community Benefit Plan to learn how Allegheny is working to improve the reliability and affordability of energy for rural Pennsylvanians.

Balanced Energy Resources

Allegheny has a diversified power supply portfolio with significant investments in nuclear and hydropower resources and minimal reliance on carbon-based fuels. More than 65% of Allegheny’s energy supply comes from these clean, stable and relatively low-cost resources. In addition to the energy and capacity provided through Allegheny’s nuclear and hydroelectric resources, Allegheny purchases power on the open market to meet the needs of its member cooperatives. In keeping with its innovative approach to power supply management, Allegheny maintains enabling agreements and relationships with more than 20 key power trading firms, providing the flexibility to react quickly to changing market conditions. Allegheny achieves beneficial diversification within its portfolio by purchasing various energy products at differing time periods, at varying quantities and with multiple counterparties.